Submission guidelinesAll submissions (in French or English) should contain a translation to Arabic of the title and abstract. First page :
Regarding papers in French, abstract and keywords should be also translated to English Full text must be no more than 15 pages, including references, appendices and title page. All submissions must consider the following template specifications: MS Word A4,bottom and side margin of 2.5 cm, Times New Roman, size 12, 1.5 line spacing; justified text without pagination; page numbered sequentially; automatic footnote numbering. Texts should be structured as follows: Title: One number(1. Example), Time new roman, 14pt in bold lower case 1Stsubtitle: Two number (1.1. example), Time new roman, 12pt in bold lower case 2ndsubtitle: Three number (1.1.1. example), Time new roman, 12 pt bold lower case In the text, references appear in parentheses with the name and year of publication, (eg El Hassani, 1996) and adding the page if necessary (El Hassani, 1996, p.112). References for authors having published more than once during the same year, must be identified by a letter chronologically following the year (e.g. 1998a, 1998b). The bibliography includes only the sources cited in the text. References should be presented within the alphabetical order of first author. Each statement must be complete and accurate according to the models presented below: Journal Articles Barney, J., (1991), "Firm resources and sustained competitive advantage." Journal of management, 17(1), pp.99-120. Whole books Hull, J. (2009), "Options, Futures and Other Derivatives." Pearson Education International, 7ème Edition. BOOK SECTION DE CLERCQ, D. and S. MANIGART (2007), " The venture capital post-investment phase : opening the black box of involvement ", In Landström, H. (ed.), Handbook of Research on Venture Capital, Cheltenham, R.-U., Edward Elgar, p. 193-218. Papers presented at conferences Bardach, J. E. (1982), "Food and Energy Problems of Third World Cities". Paper presented at the Conference on Urbanization and National Development (21-23 January 1982). East-West Center. Honolulu (Hawaii). US 20 p. Theses Bruyat, C. (1993), "Création d'entreprise: contributions épistémologiques et modélisation", Doctoral dissertation, Université Pierre Mendès-France-Grenoble II. Reports Organisation for Economic Co-operationand Development (OECD)( 2009), " Pôles et compétitivité, innovation et entrepreneuriat". Édité par Jonathan Potter et Gabriela Miranda. 264 pages. Electronic texts Stiglitz, J. (access date: August 07, 2001). What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis. the Insider. [online]. URL: http://thenewrepublic.com/041700/stiglitz041700.html. Figures and tables: should be numbered consecutively. The title on the top and the source is below. The file name must include only the name of the author. In case of more than one author it will put the name that appears first in the paper. The organizing committee for remodeling will return papers that do not meet the standards as specified above. Papers comply with formal rules will be subject to substantive evaluation of the Scientific Committee. |
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